Learning opportunities
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Tentative 2024-2025 schedule for professional learning & CTLE
Course registration will open on a rolling basis, check back for updates
Course schedule subject to change, please review course details at the time of registration.
Fall/Winter 2024
Oct 8th 4:30-6:30pm
Para Academy
Understanding Student Needs: Taking a Deep Dive Into the Fourteen Disabilities
Paraprofessionals ONLY
2 CTLE - Virtual
Oct 9th 4:30-6:30pm
We Need It All- Exploring and Applying the 8 Mathematical Practices
Math - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Oct 15th 4:30-6:30pm
Unlocking the Science Universe
Science - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Oct 19th 9am - 1pm
Promoting a Positive Learning Environment for Students with Special Needs
SPED - 4 CTLE - In-person
Oct 23rd 4:30 - 6:30pm
Rekindle the Flame: Fostering a Love of Reading
Upper Literacy - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Oct 26th 9am - 1pm
Let's Explore the Big 6 Literacy Skills & Competencies
Early Literacy - 4 CTLE - In-person
Oct 29th 4:30 - 6:30pm
Empowering Educators: Unlocking Language & Content for Newcomer Students
ENL - 2 ELL CTLE - Virtual
Nov 12th 4:30-6:30pm
Para Academy
Tying the Pieces Together: Connecting the Science of Reading within Small Group Instruction
2 CTLE - Virtual
Nov 16th 9am - 1pm
Building Mathematical Proficiency: Exploring and Implementing the 8 Mathematical Practices
Math - 4 CTLE - In-person
Nov 17th 9am - 1pm
Get your Passport! Experiential Learning to Build Historical Thinking Skills for All Learners
Social Studies - 4 CTLE - In-person
Nov 20th 4:30 - 6:30pm
High Leverage Practices to Transform your Special Education Classroom
SPED - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Nov 21st 4:30 - 6:30pm
The Science, Skills and Strategies of Early Literacy
Early Literacy - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Dec 3rd 4:30-6:30pm
Para Academy
Together We Are Stronger: Fostering a Sense of Belonging for Students with Disabilities
2 CTLE - Virtual
Dec 8th 9am - 1pm
Unlocking Language Potential: Leveraging Strategies & AI Tools for Language Success
ENL - 4 ELL CTLE - In-person
Dec 14th 9am - 1pm
Unlocking the Science Universe: Adventures in Three Dimensional Learning
Science - 4 CTLE - In-person
Dec 15th 9am - 1pm
Unleash the Power of Words!
Upper Literacy - 4 CTLE - In-person
Winter/Spring 2025
Jan 14th 4:30 - 6:30pm
Concerned about Context: Building Context with Historical Thinking
Social Studies - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Jan 21st 4:30-6:30pm
Para Academy
Unlocking Potential: Creative Strategies for Fostering Positive Behavior and Student Success
2 CTLE - Virtual
Feb 5th 4:30 - 6:30pm
Translanguaging: Empowering a Student’s Full Linguistic Repertoire
ENL - 2 ELL CTLE - Virtual
Feb 8th 9am - 1pm
The Power of Teaching and Learning Word Recognition Strategies in Small Groups, K-2
Early Literacy - 4 CTLE - In-person
Feb 11th 4:30 - 6:30pm
Title TBD
Upper Literacy - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Mar 5th 4:30 - 6:30pm
Strategies for Small Group Word Recognition, Grades K-2
Early Literacy - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Mar 8th 9am - 1pm
Project Based Learning: Engaging Students with Disabilities in Authentic, Relevant, & Collaborative Learning Experiences
SPED - 4 CTLE - In-person
Mar 15th 9am - 1pm
The Struggle is Real: Perseverance is the Way!
Math - 4 CTLE - In-person
Apr 2nd 4:30 - 6:30pm
Title TBD
SPED - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Apr 5th 9am - 1pm
Talking to Learn: Strategies for deepening discussions in social studies
Social Studies - 4 CTLE - In-person
Apr 8th 4:30-6:30pm
Para Academy
My Students, Your Students, Our Students: Developing a Strong Classroom Team
2 CTLE - Virtual
Apr 9th 4:30 - 6:30pm
Inquiry Based Classrooms: Perseverance is the Way
Math - 2 CTLE - Virtual
Apr 26th 9am - 1pm
Translanguaging Unleashed: Empowering Emergent Bilingual Writers
ENL - 4 ELL CTLE - In-person
Apr 29th 4:30 - 6:30pm
Integrating Technology in Science Education
Science - 2 CTLE - Virtual
May 5th 4:30-6:30pm
Para Academy
Getting Acquainted with the Whole Child: Transforming Relationships with Our Students
2 CTLE - Virtual
May 10th 9am - 1pm
Title TBD
Upper Literacy - 4 CTLE - In-person
May 31st 9am - 1pm
Assessment Strategies in Teaching Science
Science - 4 CTLE - In-person
Jun 3rd 4:30 - 6:30pm
Eureka- I have an Idea! Engaging Students in Social Studies Discussion
Social Studies - 2 CTLE - Virtual